Each and every Member of the
Institute of Equipment Valuation upholds Standards 7 & 8 of the Uniform Standards of Professional Practice (USPAP). Our
Code of Ethics and Gold Standard of Excellence reflects USPAP in preserving the public trust in an ECA and/or EECA equipment appraisal. These Standards reflect IEV's ethics and comprehensive reporting of a defensible estimate of value. Each Member participates in on-going educational training, current tools, resources, and unsurpassed support so every Member can achieve exceptional success for themselves and their client in determining a defensible estimate of value.
Equipment appraisal is a phenomenal niche and is a sought after needed skill for several business strategies! Afterall, there are thousands of real property appraisers and business valuation professionals. Across the U.S. and Canada, professionals who are trained and certified to appraise equipment pales in comparison. You may ask ... "Why are there not a wealth of Equipment Certified Appraisers compared to property and business valuation appraisers?" The answer is simple ... "Not very many people know that there is a structured and comprehensive training course available at a reasonable time and expense." Are you one of these people? Let's take a brief look at who calls and seeks the expertise of an ECA and EECA:
How many of these type of professionals and entities do you know?
How Can The Institute of Equipment Valuation Help You Achieve Success In Tapping Into An
Additional Wealth Of Business?
Let Us Count The Ways ...
IEV is committed to support you each and every step of the way to earning the ECA credential, providing current resources and tools, assistance 24/7 365 days a year. Our Members know that when they need us, we are accessible and ready to help.
IEV's two interactive training courses leading to an ECA professional credential is interactive filled with a wealth of information, from USPAP Standards 7 & 8 through data collection, research, approaches, marketing, and IEV's proprietary software to write the Appraisal Report.
Stellar Ethical Adherence
IEV is committed to promoting and preserving the public trust through following the ethical and reporting guidelines found in Standards 7 & 8 of USPAP and IEV's Code of Excellence and Gold Standard of Excellence.
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