The ONLY Hotline You Need To Locate A Certified Equipment Appraiser Or Find Out How You Can Join Our Professional Network




What Are The Qualifications For Membership And To Earn The

Equipment Certified Appraiser (ECA) Professional Designation?

Needless to say, all too often a membership organization becomes a "good ole boy's club" where anyone can join and membership becomes only a bigstock-Customer-blue-puzzle-pieces-as-27135902.jpgresume builder.  We've all run across such an organization where to get you through the door, they provide only smoke and mirrors, puff and fluff, and are not equipped or desire to deliver what they promoted.  That is not the type of membershp organization you'll find at the Institute of Equipment Valuation (IEV).                                                                                                                       

You'll quickly discover at IEV we are active, evolving, and desire to exceed a member's expectations with regards to education, support, and tools.  We are dedicated to our Members and are actively involved with our membership reaching out through educational webinars, emails, and phone calls.  In other words, we are with you every step of the way! We even contact our Members consistently delivering leads about a potential assignment where they take it from start to completion all at no charge to the Member!

There Are 3 Requirements To Become A Member Of The Institute of Equipment Valuation

1.   First and foremost, you must be a business professional who has the desire to grow their business and achieve success for themselves and their clients.

2.   You may also be eligible to Grandfather in from another organization who has a professionally credible Equipment Appraiser designation; and/or 

3. Enroll in our exclusive ECA training course.

It's All Up To You!


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You'll Be Glad That You Did!




Find Out How You Can Excel As An Equipment Certified Appraiser (ECA)  

Complete the form below and we'll rush you our exclusive "Excel In 2024 With Equipment Appraisal" Fast Start Info Preview Pak filled with information you will want to know.

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